Word Play for Whistleblowers

Here are some anagrams that someone came up with – that person was either exceptionally clever or has far to much time to waste or is deadly at Scrabble.

When you rearrange the letters: Who blew ‘er List

When you rearrange the letters: dirty room

When you rearrange the letters: evil’s agent

When you rearrange the letters: a rope ends it

The morse code
When you rearrange the letters : here come dots

Slot machines
When you rearrange the letters: cash lost in ’em

When you rearrange the letters : is no amity

Mother – in – law
When you rearrange the letters: lither woman

Snooze alarms
When you rearrange the letters : alas! No more Z’s

A decimal point
When you rearrange the letters : I’m a dot in place

The earthquakes
When you rearrange the letters : that queer shake

Eleven plus two
When you rearrange the letters : twelve plus one

And finally, after you’ve wasted all this time playing with letters,
you’re mother’s calling you to dinner.

When you rearrange the letters: A Ma Rang

Courtesy of the old I-HelpDesk & WebReview

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