Dear Family,
Sitting here trying to get work done is sometimes hard. Especially when people call you up with their problems and tell you stories they don’t realize are hilarious. Someone told me about a problem they were having yesterday with an employee of one of her clients. After I stopped laughing, I was compelled to write my perspective of the problem she described. You’ll get a kick out of this.
It’s been a busy week, immersed in writing and teaching for the EA Exam Review classes running every other day, while juggling doctor visits and meds for some obscure ailment that suddenly took my breath away after working for 36 hours straight, interrupted with three hours sleep, and teaching for 4 1/2 hours, then ingesting salty barbecue potato chips and diet Coke (more sodium) and soaking in a hot tub for 2 hours (while finishing up a good book)…Do you think my body turned into a sponge, with all that sodium just absorbing all that water? Wow! Talk about water retention! It literally takes your breath away. Yeah, well, it certainly took mine away – for several days.
And how are you doing?
This week’s Job Advice is about making your resume and information
easy to find. TheLadders just released a new TV Commercial that’s a
kick. They let me put a copy on the site. You’ll be amused.
And perhaps inspired to reach for a $100,000+ job or position.
Speaking of striving, today’s Money Funnies introduces us to an open-minded cleric who wants to understand local customs.
Let’s see what else we have for you today.
TaxQuips this week explains the ramifications of splitting up a marital estate, the implications of two personal residences at a time, payroll withholding to a teen, and how to deposit tax refunds for dead people.
IRS News summarizes the new Tax Bill. You’ll be happy to see some limit to subsidies to rich people, to learn that Food Stamps are being replaced with debit cards – and there’s money in the bill to reduce obesity!
“How long do I have to keep my records? And what do I have to keep?” Join me on Wednesday June 18th at 1:00 pm PDT for a webinar on that very topic. It won’t cost you a dime – and you can ask your questions about your own specific situation. Sign up here.
As always, we love your feedback, opinions and ideas.
You are what makes all this fun – and interesting!
Please use the Comments link online.
Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama is watching…out for you.
06.16.2008 2nd 2008 Estimated Payment – all entities Due
06.16.2008 Personal Tax Returns Due for US Taxpayers overseas
06.16.2008 or File extensions for US Taxpayers overseas Form 4868
Keep your Resolutions:
Here’s a well-thought-out e-book to help you start the
year off properly. It contains a place for you to
list your promises to yourself – and lots of tools to
help you achieve your goals.
Download the book here (just use your e-mail address in this e-mail, so you can avoid subscribing to
my newsletters twice.)
Feel free to share this link with your friends, your clients and your mailing list.
Explore Simpleology 101 – It includes set of step-by-step daily missions for you to follow to get more focused and become more successful this year.
You can check them off as you go.
Audio and Video Training
Is 2008 the year you learn to put use audio and video
on your websites or online? Here are some excellent
no-cost training opportunities. All you need is time.
Join David at AudioAcrobat.com
Join SuccessNet.org for free and learn the 10 Essential Success Keys You Need to Know for You
And Your Business to Grow
ThinkGeek has some wonderful, unusual stuff, including something very like a Dick Tracy watch – a touchscreen cell phone PDA watch. They also have the USB Memory watch that holds 2GB of data.
Open your own Zazzle account and create personalized
gifts to your family and friends.
You don’t need to use my designs – use your own photos and artwork.
Need a Corp, LLC, Registered Agent
Incorp Services Inc. in Nevada – DISCOUNT
20% off on formation services.
Similar discounts on Registered Agent services.
Call 800.2.INCORP – use coupon code – TAXMAMA – or
(no code needed)
Summer Family Identity – 3 Choices:
Zazzle – Cafe Press – Queensboro
Since it’s summer, and you’re probably going to be traveling with your family, consider getting matching T-shirts and/or hats.
(DO NOT PUT ANYONE’S NAME ON THEM – you’re just asking strangers to kidnap your children!)
But do put everyone’s picture – so even if you don’t know the local language, you can point to a family member and ask if anyone has seen him or her. Or use a graphic or piece of art you all like. You’ll find three options right here in our SPECIAL DEALS section.
Use your art or others – and customize it
Zazzle your Imagination. Are you a TaxNerd?
Tell everyone – proudly!
Create your own customized Zazzle Apparel, bags or more.
Get volume discounts on orders of 2 or more.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
Stuff for summer, travel and fun
Cafe Press is the home of TaxMama’s shops
But you can upload your own art and graphics and unify your family – even your pets.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
WOW DEAL! Embroidery
Wouldn’t you love to get your logo or family crest, or picture or whatever, EMBROIDERED on hats and T-Shirts?
Well, it costs a heck of a lot less than you think.
And there’s always a sale!
At the Queensboro Shirt Company
(They have a lot more than shirts – and all sizes)
They do a gorgeous job.
- Ask TaxMama :: Where taxes are fun and answers are free
www.TaxQuips.com :: The number ONE free tax podcast online
- Money Funnies :: Respecting the 10 Commandments
- IRS News :: The Farm BIll
- Job Advice of the Week :: Make Your Resume Easy to Find
The 100% Home-Based Business Tax Solution :: The evolving e-book and Tax MiniMiser