Dear Family,
In honor of Veterans’ Day this weekend, in IRS News we are reminded that time is running out to get a substantial tax credit for hiring a veteran this year. The special, expanded tax credit will end on December 31st. So start interviewing now.
Another special opportunity is open until December 31st. In response to the intense need for help in the areas devastated by the path of Hurricane Sandy, the IRS has implemented some special rules for people who donate part of their sick pay, vacation pay or other compensation to charities established to help the victims. There are rules. So please follow them – and get a tax break for helping out.
I spent some time this morning with the folks who audit the IRS and review the success or failure of their programs – the team at TIGTA – the office of the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration. They just released their overview of how IRS did this past tax season. Look my report in next week’s Tax Watch Column in MarketWatch. There’s also a special report coming up about a very interesting project Susan Holtgrefe, EA has started – and its tax consequences. (Yes – she and her husband, both veterans.) This project has me intrigued and I want to know more. You will, too.
Speaking of next week, it will be a busy week, with lots of classes (mine, the IRS RTRP and more), and a day with Bob McCormick on Money 101 at KFWB in Los Angeles – call in (888) 539-2980 [888-KFWB 980] We’ll also have an early Tax Roundtable…early due to the Thanksgiving holidays this month. Whew!
This week’s Money Funnies, we tap into, what some people call – the lowest form of humor – PUNS! In Money Punnies and More.
This week’s Equifax Blog is all about the Tax Consequences of Dipping into Your Retirement Accounts
If you want to see all the TaxQuips from earlier in the week, drop by here. There are some interesting topics.
The job search is on. If you’re looking for a job, an intern, or a new employee, please visit the new TaxMama Career center, partnered with For 15% off on any postings or orders, use the code: taxcareers
We’ll be teaching tax updates and all about the Employee vs Independent Contractor issue at during the next couple of months. – Remember – code TaxMama provides a discount to new students.
TaxMama’s EA Exam Review Course is nearly over. We are finishing up the Final Reviews – and next week, we’ll learn how to make a good living as an EA. You still have time to Join the fun! We treat our Self-Study students quite well.
Remember to follow TaxMama®’s Tweets –
Have you grabbed the TaxQuips Widget for your phone, social networking page, website, or…? You’ll get the TaxQuips as soon as they published – about an hour before they are distributed in by e-mail. It’s a fun gadget. Just pick up the code and paste into your site or phone app.
Let’s address a few tidbits of news – and go back to work!
Weekly Equifax blog is still going strong.
Filing Taxes: Paperwork For Your Tax Professional
Avoid Paying Penalties on Estimated Taxes
Learning from Your Tax Filing Mistakes
After Filing Taxes: Responding to Letters from IRS
Tax Tips: How Long Should You Keep Records?
Using Standard Mileage Rate for Business Deductions
Making Estimated tax payments
Free Money Coming Your Way Due to Tax Mistakes
Using Your Home Renovation to Maximize Tax Benefits
Money Management: Explaining Paystubs to Your Teen
Harvesting Capital Gains Now—or Later
Working Like an Employee While Being Paid Like a Freelancer
Tax Issues to Resolve During Your Divorce
I Received an IRS Notice – Now What?
Tax Strategies for the Unemployed
Moving Across the Country: What Deductions Are Available?-
Turning in Tax Cheats for Fun and Profit – New!
Tax Consequences of Dipping into Your Retirement Accounts – New!
Ruling poses tax issues for same-sex couples
Whistleblowing for Fun or Profit
Who’s Using YOUR Social Security Number?
Paying your expenses with someone else’s credit card
Moving Across the Country: What Deductions Are Available?
Home Based Business Accounting Software Options
Writing off your Family’s Vacation
TaxMama’s 10 Tips for Success
Writing off summertime parties.
Vehicle Deductions Driving You Crazy?
Are You Classifying Your Workers Properly?
The Ins and Outs of
A Moving Story – or Three Good Reasons to Tell IRS You Moved
Avoiding Fly by Night Tax Pros
4 Easy Steps to Resolving Your Tax Problems
Are you Wasting Tax Benefits?
Has your Child been the Victim of Identity Theft?
What is the Best Entity for Your Business?
The Non-Profit as a Business Model
Tax Issues Regarding Copyrights and Trademarks
Business Licenses You Need and Trust
Now That You Have an LLC, it’s Time to Make Tax Decisions
You can find daily TaxQuips into YouTube videos
Remember to follow TaxMama®’s Tweets –
Have you grabbed the TaxQuips Widget for your phone, social networking page, website, or…? You’ll get the TaxQuips as soon as they published – about an hour before they are distributed in by e-mail. It’s a fun gadget. Just pick up the code and paste into your site or phone app.
Remember TaxMama’s Tax Calendar has enough information to carry you through to the first quarter of 2013.
As always, we love your feedback, opinions and ideas.
You are what makes all this fun – and interesting!
TaxNerd gear makes a bold statement year-round.
Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama®
Tax Calendar
10/31/2012 | 3rd Quarter Payroll Taxes Due |
10/31/2012 | Employer’s Deposit Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA) – if total due is more than $500 through Sept 30th. |
10/31/2012 | 3rd Quarter Federal Excise Tax Return & Payment Voucher – Form 720 |
11/15/2012 | Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month |
12/17/2012 | Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month |
12/17/2012 | Corporations – 4th Quarter Estimate Due |
12/31/2012 | Last Day to Open KEOGH account for 2012 deposits |
Follow TaxMama®’s Tweets –
You are invited to put a TaxQuips Widget on your phone, social networking page, website, or… You’ll get the TaxQuips as soon as they published – long before they are distributed in by e-mail. It’s a nifty gadget. Just pick up the code and paste into your site or application.
Download TaxMama’s 2010 iphone Tax Calendar. My gift to you.
Never miss a tax deadline again!
The customizable tax calendar is here.
Add or Remove dates. Add your own reminders – get alerts.
===> Do it Yourself Legal Material
NOLO is having a sale!
(disclosure – TaxMama receives a commission)
===> Need a Corp, LLC, Registered Agent
Incorp Services Inc. in Nevada – DISCOUNT
20% off on formation services.
Similar discounts on Registered Agent services.
Call 800.2.INCORP – use coupon code – TAXMAMA – no coupon needed
===> Business Uniforms – 3 Choices:
Zazzle – Cafe Press – Queensboro
===> Use your art or others – and customize it
Great for promotions – and to gear up for tax season!
Zazzle your Imagination. Are you a TaxNerd?
Tell everyone – proudly!*
Create your own customized Calendar at Zazzle
Get volume discounts on orders of 2 or more.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
===> Stuff for Pets and Pregnant Moms
Cafe Press is the home of TaxMama® ‘s shops
You can upload your own art and graphics
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
===>WOW! Embroidered Logo on ANYTHING – on sale!
Always a sale at the Queensboro Shirt Company
(They have clothes and novelties – and all sizes)
They do a gorgeous job.
Take TaxMama®’s 2010 EA Exam Review Class
Tomorrow we will do the Part 3 – second Final Review session.
I got a funny note from a student who just passed the hardest part – Part 2, and is now done. He told me how my class not only helped him pass the EA Exam, but also to lose 10 pounds. I’ll tell you about it in next week’s EA Exam News.
– sign up now – and join the FUN!
A flood of Tax Professionals are interested in
taking the EA Exam. We still have a few handy
dandy totes to hold all your books, notes and discs.
Read the ebook – Everything You Wanted to Know About the EA Exam
=== CPA Exam Review
Looking for a great course?
You can’t do any better than this!
Phil Yaeger’s CPA Exam Review Course