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Dear Family,
Today’s edition wants to convey a certain mood and feeling. This morning I started by working on the ItsAWHAMThing article about writing off summertime parties. The word ‘summertime’ brought to mind the music from Porgy and Bess. That mood, that sound, that feeling has stayed with me. (You’ll get to listen to Ella Fitzgerald if you visit that article.)
But I guess the mood sort of started yesterday. After an intense week of teaching and writing, finishing up three more articles, I needed to unwind. Bubble bath and book time. (OK, not bubbles, but lavender Epsom salts..aaah) On Kindle, I pulled up Aaron and Charlotte Elkins’ story about a series character named Lee Ofsted, a feminine golf pro. I nearly finished A Wicked Slice, just soaking there yesterday afternoon. Even though I don’t know much about golf, it’s an absorbing story. (Golf fans – there are 4 or 5 in the series.) For you art fans, they’ve also got a series about Chris Norgren – an art museum curator.
Anyway, in the spirit of this laziness (keeping my working hours down to about 12 a day), we have today’s Money Funnies offering. A little bit of Albert Einstein, followed by golf tips.
IRS News is a little slow this week. So I decided to bring you the list of sales tax holidays across the nation. Use this list to help plan your major (and some minor) shopping and home improvements this summer.
This week’s Equifax Blog topic is timely – about making estimated tax payments – which are due in two weeks.
If you want to see all the TaxQuips from earlier in the week, drop by here. We’ve had some lively discussions.
Save the date! Ask the Expert Interview coming up with iShade – you don’t want to miss THIS one!
July 10, 10:00A-12:00P Pacific – Eva Rosenberg, EA with Rob Nance, interviewer
What an EA Can Do to Help Improve Your Accounting Practice
(It’s not showing on their list yet – but will be – meanwhile the other upcoming interviews look interesting, too)
We had more classes at CPELink this week. The reviews were practically all fabulous – about how useful and practical the material was. There was one bizarre comment about some of the divorce course information bordering on unethical. I say “bizarre” because the entire purpose of the course is highlight the bad ways folks have done things – and to try to teach tax pros and divorcing couples that there is a way to do it better – so everyone wins – and the children are not scarred for life. Someone really missed the point! (Sometimes you’ve got to wonder what goes on in people’s minds…scary.)
We have more classes coming up next week . We’ll be talking about how to prepare an Offer in Compromise (paying pennies on the dollar).
TaxMama’s EA Exam Review Course is starting next week. Register NOW if you want to join the live class next week.
Note: Present members of the class – do NOT re-register. You don’t have to pay for the class again. Here is the order form for 2012 books and software.(Must log into Board)
Remember to follow TaxMama®’s Tweets – https://twitter.com/TaxMama
Have you grabbed the TaxQuips Widget for your phone, social networking page, website, or…? You’ll get the TaxQuips as soon as they published – about an hour before they are distributed in by e-mail. It’s a fun gadget. Just pick up the code and paste into your site or phone app. https://www.widgetbox.com/widget/taxmamas-taxquips-daily-tax-podcasts
Let’s address a few tidbits of news – and go back to work!
Weekly Equifax blog is still going strong.
Filing Taxes: Paperwork For Your Tax Professional
Avoid Paying Penalties on Estimated Taxes
Learning from Your Tax Filing Mistakes
After Filing Taxes: Responding to Letters from IRS
Tax Tips: How Long Should You Keep Records?
Using Standard Mileage Rate for Business Deductions
Making Estimated tax payments
What is the Best Entity for Your Business?
The Non-Profit as a Business Model
Tax Issues Regarding Copyrights and Trademarks
Business Licenses You Need and Trust
Now That You Have an LLC, it’s Time to Make Tax Decisions
Home Based Business Accounting Software Options
Writing off your Family’s Vacation
TaxMama’s 10 Tips for Success
Writing off summertime parties.
You can find daily TaxQuips into YouTube videos
https://www.youtube.com/taxmama1 https://www.youtube.com/taxmama1#p/u
As always, we love your feedback, opinions and ideas.
You are what makes all this fun – and interesting!
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Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama®
06/15/2012 Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 2nd Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
06/15/2012 Corporations – 2nd Quarter Estimate Tax payment Due
06/15/2012 Estates & Trusts 2nd Estimated Tax Payment
06/15/2012 Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
06/15/2012 US Taxpayers Overseas Individual Personal Returns due
06/15/2012 US Taxpayers Overseas Claim Foreign Earned Income
06/15/2012 US Individuals Overseas Personal Return Extensions due
06/30/2012 File Form TDF 90-22.1 – Report of Foreign Banks with $10,000 anytime during year
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Take TaxMama®’s 2011 EA Exam Review Class
I’m geting notes from people who are passing their exams. How exciting!
Replay the session –
Everything You Wanted to Know About the EA Exam
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