Dear Family,
Rick has been home with a cold for the last few days, so he’s not waking me up at 4:00 am as he usually does. It’s been great sleeping in. But for some reason, I keep sleeping through my alarm. Don’t you love the luxury of a good, cozy night’s sleep, and waking up when your body wants to wake up? Disregard the panic of having to rush to catch up on the hour or two you missed, and all the things you were supposed to do during that time. Sleeping felt darn good. Heck, I may just do it again!
Have you heard the one about the repo man going out of business? Yup, it’s a possibility, according to the WSJ.
I am still catching on e-mail and finally read my Spidell Flash e-mail from last Friday. The State of California HAS started to release your tax refunds. So if you’ve filed in the last week or so, you should start getting them soon. Folks who filed earlier can expect the funds in the next week or two. You can check the status of your California refund here.
If you were following TaxMama on Twitter this week, you’d have learned how to file your corporate extension electronically https://www.ftb.ca.gov/online/refund/index.asp (and I just realized the link was bad…try the link in the Tweet again and it will work.
Someone brought something interesting to my attention yesterday. And he made a good point. I’ve noticed it, too, especially in the nature of questions I get from readers who’ve set up a quickie corporation. Folks who’ve incorporated, but never really got around to using the corporation seem to think they don’t have to file anything. You bet you have to file! And your return is due on March 16th this year.
Need more time? If you have a corporation, dormant or active, read the rest of this article here.
TaxMama®’s MarketWatch.com article this week is about the mortgage interest deductions – and all the limitations thereto. And oh yes, a rumor about an IRS audit program. Speaking to an auditor yesterday, he tells me that he doesn’t know of a specific program IRS is running; but he has certainly seen a lot of mortgage audits hit his desk. And bad news, when they hit HIS desk, he examines the whole return for anything else audit-worthy. Good news. Not all his buddies do that. Some just audit the interest. https://snurl.com/mortgageint .
Today’s IRS News tells you about the new 62 cent tax on tobacco, and gives you access to the latest IRS charts you can use to estimate a variety of your living expenses when you file for an installment agreement or offer in compromise.
Today’s Money Funny is a Quick Test for Alzheimer’s. Don’t be afraid. It’s painless.
In TaxQuips this week, we learn how a doggy day care might report it’s income, how to deduct interest if two unmarried people own a house together, whether you are considered as having received your stimulus check if IRS grabbed it, and what the tax consequences or benefits are if you move back into one of your rental properties and live in it.
As always, we love your feedback, opinions and ideas.
You are what makes all this fun – and interesting!
Please use the Comments link online.
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Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama is watching…out for you.
03.16.2009 S-Corp Election Decision Due (if Applicable)
03.16.2009 Corporate Returns or Extensions Due / Calendar Year Corps
Use coupon code taxmama25 for 25% discount on your extension.
03.16.2009 Employers Make monthly Payroll tax deposit
03.16.2009 Electing Large Partnerships – Issue K-1s to partners – even if you’re on extension
04.15.2009 Personal, Partnership Returns or Extensions are due
Use coupon code taxmama25 for 25% discount on your extension.
04.15.2009 1st 2009 Estimated Payment Due
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- Ask TaxMama :: Where taxes are fun and answers are free
www.TaxQuips.com :: The number ONE free tax podcast online
- Money Funnies & Inspiration :: The Quick Alzheimers Test
- IRS News :: 62 cents cigarette tax hike, new IRS Collections standards released
- Prepare your own tax return :: $19.95 includes IRS, State, e-filing and tech support
The 100% Home-Based Business Tax Solution :: The evolving e-book and Tax MiniMiser
- File your personal and business extension electronically :: 25% discount with coupon code taxmama25