2023-24 Tax Events Calendar

01/17/2023Estates & Trusts 4th Estimated Tax Payment
Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 4th Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
01/17/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
01/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
01/31/2023Furnish W-2s recipients and file forms to Social Security Administration
01/31/2023Furnish FORM 1099-NEC to recipients and file forms to IRS
01/31/2023Furnish FORM 1099-MISC to recipients
01/31/2023Furnish 1099 Dividends and Interest to recipients
01/31/20234th Quarter Payroll Reports
01/31/2023File Employers Annual Payroll Returns to IRS and SSA
01/31/2023File Annual Payroll for Agricultural employees
01/31/20234th Quarter Federal Excise Tax Return & Payment Voucher
02/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
02/28/2023File US transmittal of US information Returns (OTHER THAN 1099-NEC) – Paper File
02/28/2023Mortgage Interest file Form 1098s with IRS
02/28/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
03/01/2023Farmers and Fishermen must file Tax returns and pay any tax due (to avoid any estimated
Tax penalty)
03/15/2023Foreign Persons US Income subject to withholdings
03/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
03/15/2023S-Corp Election Decision Due (if Applicable)
03/15/2023S Corporate Returns Due / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
03/15/2023Issue K-1's S Corporate Returns / Calendar Year
03/15/2023Partnership Returns Due / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
03/15/2023Issue K-1's with Partnership Returns
03/15/2023Electing Large Partnership Returns due
03/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
03/15/2023Electing Large Partnerships - Issue K-1s to partners - even if you're on extension
03/31/2023Electronic filing of US transmittal of US information Returns (Other than 1099-NEC)
03/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
04/18/2023File FinCen Form 114 - Report of Foreign Banks with $10,000 anytime during year (2022).
(Or automatic extension for ALL filers until October 15, 2023)
04/18/2023Corporate Tax Returns due / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
04/18/2023Last Day to set up and fund IRAs and Roth IRAs for previous year
04/18/2023Individual Personal Returns due (or Extension Due)
04/18/2023Personal Returns due - Nonresident, US income, etc.
04/18/2023US Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return (Or Extension Due)
04/18/2023Estate & Trusts Returns are due; Bankruptcy fillings use the same form (Or Extension Due)
04/18/2023Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 1st Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
04/18/2023Corporations - 1st Quarter Estimate Tax payment Due
04/18/2023Estates & Trusts 1st Estimated Tax Payment
04/18/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
05/01/20231st Quarter Federal Excise Tax Return & Payment Voucher - Form 720
05/01/20231st Quarter Payroll Tax Returns Due
05/01/2023Deposit FUTA Tax if more than $500 was paid through March 31st
05/01/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
05/15/2023Exempt Corporations / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
05/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
05/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
06/15/2023Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 2nd Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
06/15/2023Corporations - 2nd Quarter Estimate Tax payment Due
06/15/2023Estates & Trusts 2nd Estimated Tax Payment
06/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
06/15/2023US Taxpayers Overseas Individual Personal Returns due
06/15/2023US Taxpayers Overseas Claim Foreign Earned Income
06/15/2023US Individuals Overseas Personal Return Extensions due
06/30/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
07/17/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
07/31/20232nd Quarter Payroll Tax Returns Due
07/31/2023Deposit FUTA tax if more than $500 was paid through June 30th
07/31/2023Employers File Annual Return for Employee Benefits Plan 5500 or 5500-EZ
07/31/2023Employers File request for Extension filing Employee Benefits Plan Return
07/31/20232nd Quarter Federal Excise Tax Return & Payment Voucher – Form 720
07/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
08/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
08/31/2023Time for businesses to consider setting up retirement plans
08/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
09/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
09/15/2023Partnership Returns Due- FINAL DEADLINE
09/15/2023S-Corporate Returns Due- FINAL DEADLINE
09/15/2023Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 3rd Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
09/15/2023Corporations - 3rd Quarter Estimate Tax payment Due
09/15/2023Estates & Trusts 3rd Estimated Tax Payment
09/15/2023Deadline for Corporations and Partnerships to fund SEP-IRAs for previous year.
10/02/2023Last day to establish SIMPLE plans for current year
10/02/2023Estate & Trusts Returns - Final Deadline; Bankruptcy fillings use the same form
10/02/2023Time for businesses to consider setting up retirement plans
10/16/2023FinCEN Form 114 (for 2022) – FINAL DEADLINE
10/16/2023Individual Personal Returns due – FINAL DEADLINE
10/16/2023Personal Returns due - Nonresident, US income, etc. FINAL DEADLINE
10/16/2023Corporate Returns Due/Calendar Year - FINAL DEADLINE
10/16/2023Deadline for Schedule C filer to fund SEP-IRAs for previous year.
10/16/2023US Gift and Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax Return - Final Deadline
10/16/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
10/16/2023Employers File Annual Return for Employee Benefits Plan 5500 or 5500-EZ (if on extension)
10/31/20233rd Quarter Payroll Tax Returns Due
10/31/2023Deposit FUTA tax if more than $500 was paid through September 30th
10/31/20233rd Quarter Federal Excise Tax return & Payment Voucher – Form 720
10/31/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
11/15/2023Exempt Corporations/Calendar Year – FINAL DEADLINE
11/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
11/30/2023File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
12/15/2023Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
12/15/2023Corporations - 4th Quarter Estimate Due
12/31/2023Last Day to Open/set-up KEOGH account for 2023 deposits (Contributions)
01/02/2024File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
01/16/2024Individuals, Farmers & Fishermen Pay 4th Quarter Estimated Tax Payment
01/16/2024Estates & Trusts 4th Estimated Tax Payment
01/16/2024Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
01/31/2024File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
01/31/20244th Quarter Payroll Returns due
01/31/2024File Employers Annual Payroll Reports
01/31/2024File Annual Payroll for Agricultural employees
01/31/20244th Quarter Federal Excise Tax Return & Payment Voucher – Form 720
01/31/2024Furnish W-2’s to recipients and file forms to Social Security Administration
01/31/2024Furnish 1099 NEC to recipients and file with IRS
01/31/2024Furnish 1099 Interest to recipients
01/31/2024Furnish 1099 Dividends to recipients
02/15/2024Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
02/29/2024File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles
02/29/2024File US transmittal of US information Returns OTHER THAN 1099-NEC, if Paper file
02/29/2024Mortgage Interest file Form 1098s with IRS
03/15/2024Foreign Persons US Income subject to withholdings
03/15/2024Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
03/15/2024S-Corp Election Decision Due (if Applicable)
03/15/2024S Corporate Returns Due / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
03/15/2024Issue K-1's S Corporate Returns / Calendar Year
03/15/2024Partnership Returns Due / Calendar Year (Or Extension Due)
03/15/2024Issue K-1's with Partnership Returns
03/15/2024Electing Large Partnership Returns due
03/15/2024Employers Make Monthly Payroll tax deposit on the 15th of each month
03/15/2024Electing Large Partnerships - Issue K-1s to partners - even if you're on extension
04/01/2024File Form 2290 - Heavy Highway Vehicles