Dear Family,
First of all, Happy Birthday to Barbara and Lulu!
We’ll get together soon…after I return home.
Great news IRS just released the new standard mileage rates for 2008 – and we’re up to 50,5 cents! Considering that we spent $64.00 to fill the tank yesterday, that really warms the cockles of my car’s heart. You’ll find more details in oday’s IRS News.
You might be entertained by this month’s TaxWatch column, offering you Five Year-End Tax Cutting Tips.
In this week’s TaxQuips, we meet a young girl getting ripped off by her boss, someone getting bad advice or information about moving his Roth to another investment house, and someone who wants to be clear on just what her employer’s mileage reimbursement actually covers.
Our Money Funnies is Gunjan Saraf’s take-off on a Walt Whitman poem in honor of teachers everywhere.
This week’s Job Advice is about avoiding resume formatting errors
Well, the weather’s getting colder. We cleared ice off the windshield yesterday morning. And fingers are turning blue as I sit here, writing this. The fireplace has gone out and needs to be fed again. It has a lot in common with my printer – which constantly keeps running out of paper. Does yours seem to do that just when you’ve got a large
document or project to print, too?
We ran into problems getting some things appraised, like wheelchairs, and found a solution unique to California. I’m just wondering, what do you do in your state, under the new charity rules requiring formal appraisals of donated items worth $5,000 or more? Sometimes, it’s just not possible to find an appraiser who works with estate and personal
items, especially at a price you can afford. What do YOU do?
Please add your comments below. This will be for an upcoming MarketWatch article.
OK, time to heat up my tootsies and footsies.
Have an untaxing, toasty week!
Hugs from your favorite TaxNerd,
Eva Rosenberg, EA
Your TaxMama is watching…out for you.
12.31.2008 Last Day to Open KEOGH account for 2007 deposits
01.15.2008 4th Estimated Payment for 2007 Due
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Summer Family Identity – 3 Choices:
Zazzle – Cafe Press – Queensboro
Since it’s summer, and you’re probably going to be traveling with your family, consider getting matching T-shirts and/or hats.
(DO NOT PUT ANYONE’S NAME ON THEM – you’re just asking strangers to kidnap your children!)
But do put everyone’s picture – so even if you don’t know the local language, you can point to a family member and ask if anyone has seen him or her. Or use a graphic or piece of art you all like. You’ll find three options right here in our SPECIAL DEALS section.
Use your art or others – and customize it
Zazzle your Imagination. Are you a TaxNerd?
Tell everyone – proudly!
Create your own customized Zazzle Apparel, bags or more.
Get volume discounts on orders of 2 or more.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
Stuff for Back to School and Back to Work
Cafe Press is the home of TaxMama’s shops
But you can upload your own art and graphics and unify your family – even your pets.
Get extra discounts for yourself and friends after you order.
WOW DEAL! Embroidery
Wouldn’t you love to get your logo or family crest, or picture or whatever, EMBROIDERED on hats and T-Shirts?
Well, it costs a heck of a lot less than you think.
You can get 12 items for $99! That includes the set-up fees.
Can you believe that? Use Coupon Code PC076c
At the Queensboro Shirt Company
(They have a lot more than shirts – and all sizes)
They do a gorgeous job.
- Ask TaxMama :: Where taxes are fun and answers are free
- TaxQuips.com :: The number ONE free Tax Podcast online
- IRS News :: New Mileage Rates
Money Funnies :: O' Teacher, My Teacher
- Job Advice of the Week :: Formatting