Last Minute E-Filing


e-file logo    Today TaxMama  wants to give you a tip about efiling at the last minute.  

Dear Family,

Yesterday, as we were frantically trying to efile tax returns during the last few days of tax season, we got a really bizarre rejection notice. A couple, who have been married for decades, who are deeply into their fifties, had their tax return rejected. Why?

IRS’s computers say someone has claimed the taxpayer or the spouse on another tax return.


Double huh!?

Although we know there is no way this is possible, who has time to argue with IRS in the last minutes of tax season?

After all, we still have tax returns to finish.

Solution? File on paper.

Oh, about an hour later, we get an alert from IRS that tells us they are having problems in the system and we should all stop e-filing.

Folks, with computer glitches and other things going on, if you are still filing tax returns this week, consider printing out the tax return and filing on paper. Send your tax return in certified, return receipt requested. Yes, I know, IRS and the USPS are going to hate having to get the verifications, but…

Why? Because if you wait for IRS to fix the problems and you file on Thursday or Friday – what’s if your tax return, or your clients’ returns are rejected?

You only have about 72 hours to correct them and re-file.

What’s if you had planned to take time some vacation time right after the 15th? If rejections are still coming in, someone has to stay and resolve them. But if you file on paper…you can leave with a clear mind and get the rest and play time you’ve earned.
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And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about last minute filings.

and other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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