Internet Job

Today TaxMama® hears from Cristie in the TaxQuips Forum with a quick question. “I just wanted to know if my husband needs to report the money he makes from an Internet job which pays $400.00 a month? This is on top of his regular job in which taxes are taken out from every paycheck.”

Ask TaxMama

Dear Christie,

You’re joking, right?

Of course your husband has to pay taxes on his second job, … or third job, or freelance business, or anything he earns. Or you earn.

You already know that, right?

Thanks for making me smile.

Incidentally, if he isn’t having taxes taken out – then this isn’t a job. Then, he’s in business. And he not only has income taxes to pay – but self-employment taxes, as well. In that case, he may need to learn more about his obligations – and the potential tax benefits he can use.  See IRS Publication 334 or my book.

And remember, you can find answers to all kinds of questions about paying taxes, and other tax issues, free. Where? Where else? At

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