Tag Archives: Tax refund

I Notice I Owe

Today TaxMama hears from Lynne in Mansfield, Texas, who says, “I received a notice that payment is owed. Will I be able to file my taxes and have them take the amount out that is owed? And still receive a refund?” ~~~~ Dear Lynne, Well, that must be depressing. I can’t answer you since I […]

Estimated Tax Payments

Today TaxMama wants to talk to you about those quarterly estimated tax payments.buy valtrex online alvitacare.com/wp-content/languages/new/where/valtrex.html no prescription Since that’s the most popular page being accessed this weekend, perhaps this is a good time to explain how they work and when they are due, don’t you think?https://www.calmandgentledentalcare.co.uk/wp-content/languages/new/cytotec.html

Whose Child is This?

Today Christine from Sylvester, GA is being threatened by her ex-husband. “My daughter wanted to spend a year with her father, so I agreed she could go. In our divorce, I have full custody and he has visitation with child support (1993). She was not happy there and came back home at the end of […]

Late Filed Refunds

Today Barry from Richmond, VA is upset because he got a letter from IRS refusing to give him his refunds.https://lightsailed.com/homeschool/wp-content/languages/new/personal-statement-editing.html “Is there any way to file for and get tax refunds for years that are past the ‘3 year refund limit’?”