Tag Archives: Medicare

Taxable Retirement Income

Today TaxMama® hears from Dave in the TaxQuips Forum with a quickie little question. “If I retire at 62 or 63 with Social Security and IRA distributions (not Roth) what will my tax liabilities be? For example: Monthly: $1700 from social security and $3,000 from IRA for total of $4,700.  Do I pay income tax […]

Wage Settlement From State

Today TaxMama® hears from Ken in the TaxQuips Forum with this happy news. “Several years ago I worked for a company that ran out of money and couldn’t make payroll. I continued to work for several months with the promise that the wages would be paid. Eventually, I requested a layoff and left the company. […]

Paying Double SS Tax

Today TaxMama® hears from Stanton in the TaxQuips Forum with this scenario. “A person by June 2012 will have earned $110,200 as an employee, with the maximum Social Security deducted. Then that person becomes an independent contractor for the balance of 2012. Is this person subject to the SS tax for the additional compensation over […]

Staples $5K Tax Giveaway

Transcript of the Staples and TaxMama Twitter Tax Event 2/28/12 I want to thank EVERYONE who joined us, retweeted us and asked great questions. Staples:  Kick off tweets  Welcome to our Twitter tax event! We were here with @TaxMama, ready to lay down some tax tips and answer questions.    Okay, here we go! Take it away, […]

What is my Refund?

Today TaxMama hears from Alex in the TaxQuips Forum who is confused. “I’m wondering what my refund would be if I claimed exempt status for about half of 2011.I’m a full-time student, filing as single, with a gross income of about $10,000. I tried doing some of my taxes on TurboTax, but it said my […]

Repeal of 3% Withholding Provision is Unanimous! Why?

HR 674 was passed by the House this week and sent to President Obama for signature. The AICPA is happy with this law. In a press release, Edward Karl, vice president of taxation for the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants said, “The AICPA commends Congress for recognizing that it makes sense to repeal the […]

Hiring Your Children

Today TaxMama hears from Ann in the Tax Quips Forum, with a reasonable question. “A woman pays her 13 & 15 year-old children to do office copying, collating, help distribute flyers, and help put on story plays for their author parent. If she were to hire an outside service, she would pay considerably more money […]

Trading Disability For Wages

  Today TaxMama hears from Dave in the Tax Quips Forum with an odd question. “I received SDI for two months in 2010 and gave it to my employer so that I could retain full pay.  It does not show on my W-2 and I was taxed for full pay.  How do I handle the […]