Tag Archives: California

Unpaid Employment Taxes

Today TaxMama hears from Joanna in California with this problem. “ I’m assisting an S-Corp in California that has not filed employment taxes in over 2 years and has accumulated several thousands in back taxes. Once I complete all of their employment tax forms, what is the best course of action to take to set […]

California’s Balanced Budget?

Courtesy of Spidell Publishing Inc. www.caltax.com The 2009–10 budget revision does not contain any new taxes, but includes tax accelerations that bring money in earlier, so we will likely revisit the fiscal crisis later. Here are the tax changes contained in ABX4 17 and ABX4 18. Estimated tax payments: Requires individual and corporate estimated tax […]

Why A Nevada Corporation

Today TaxMama hears from Meher in California, who is perplexed. “Why would an individual or an entity living and doing Business in California file a Nevada Corporation?buy aciphex online https://taxmama.com/wp-content/forum/styles/new/aciphex.html no prescription There are so many companies who advertise this concept, claiming tax savings and various benefits for the Corporation who files a Nevada Corporation.https://www.myjewishlistings.com/wp-content/languages/new/essays-for-sale.html”

Ask TaxMama Issue 512 – To Your Health

Dear Family, Earlier this week Brent Clanton (www.cnn650.com )and I were discussing the proposed batch of tax legislation facing Congress this month. One of the ways the Legislature and President Obama propose to pay for the health insurance and other tax breaks is to tax the ‘rich’ – those earning over $250,000. Sounds like a […]

Ask TaxMama Issue 510 – Dying to Plan

Dear Family, Just as we were starting last night’s EA Exam Review Class, someone announced that Michael Jackson (age 50)had died. Despite all the controversy surrounding this man-child, he has remained steadfastly popular. In fact, he had a series of 50 concerts scheduled in London that had already sold over $85m(£52m) worth of tickets. Aside […]

Unused Corporation

Today TaxMama hears from Luz in California with this problem. “I opened a corporation in 2001 but I never used it. I never filed tax returns. I didn’t even know how it works! Now I just learned that the state charges a fee for year that it is open.buy singulair online www.bodybuildingestore.com/wp-content/languages/new/engl/singulair.html no prescription Is […]

Independent Contractor Option

Today TaxMama hears from Dianne in California with this question. “I am a contracted bookkeeper for a non-profit group in CA.https://www.richereducation.co.uk/wp-content/languages/new/cheap-essay-writer.html One of my contractors has accepted employment with the same organization in a position that is typically paid through payroll, but wants to continue to be paid using the 1099 method. Is this going […]

California Budget

Today TaxMama hears from CJ in Concord, California has an urgent request. “Time is short on this one! Do you have any information about a bill being put before the California legislature tomorrow – (June 22) that would allow the state to have 3% in taxes withheld from payments to independent contractors, independent distributors, etc.? […]

Foreclosure and Taxes

Today TaxMama hears from Margaret in California, who wants to know, “Do I avoid taxes on my properties if I let them foreclose vs. a short sale? I have pulled out equity to invest and improve my properties and now I am under water big time.”

Divorce and Residence

Today TaxMama hears from Joan in California, with this issue.https://theoryofknowledge.net/wp-content/languages/new/buy-assignment.html “I owned a house with my ex. We bought it together in 1985; but I left and he stayed.https://theoryofknowledge.net/wp-content/languages/new/cpm-homework-help-cc1.html Through a lengthy lawsuit costing me $25,000 the house was sold and I received $40,000. Once I left I never paid mortgage or upkeep. What is […]

IRS Tax Amnesty

Today TaxMama hears from Luz in California, with this query. “Is there any period of time, or once every 4 or 10 years that the IRS forgives or gives a percentage reduction on the amount owed on back taxes to the community?http://www.ijasrjournal.org/wp-content/languages/new/professional-essay-writing-service.html ”

Ask TaxMama Issue 506 – Texas Taxes Protest

Dear Family, Sheesh…running late today because I’m answering all the e-mails coming in this morning about tomorrow’s class. It looks as if I’ve found a meeting system that addresses the learning environment better than the general conference systems. We’ll be trying it out this weekend. And if you’re interested in the results, ask me and […]